We closed on the house on Friday, January 30th. From the day we seriously started looking for a house to the day we closed was only 26 days! Even with making three offers! All the closing preliminaries were completed in two weeks! We were able to purchase the house for several thousand dollars less than its appraisal value, including closing costs! And, unlike the other two houses that we had bid on, this one meets our needs so much better. The day of the closing we were $200 short of the total settlement. We had wrapped the closing costs into the mortgage, but had underestimated how much we needed by about $1,000. We were praying really hard that day for God to provide that $200 before we got to the closing table. Our real estate agent told us to bring what we had and we would work it out. While it was hard not to be anxious, I felt sure that God was going to get it worked out for us. We made it all the way through the closing without anything changing. Later that afternoon, after the attorney’s office recorded the deal, our agent called to let us know that she had the keys to give to us. Then she told me that “they” had cut our title insurance by half! Not only was that $200 covered, we also got a check back from the attorney for $62.00! I love God’s timing! He definitely has a way of keeping things from getting too dull!
As I’m writing this, I can really see God’s timing in the entire story. If we had rushed and bought the house we are living in right now we would have needed to move to a different school district a few months later and would have been stuck. If we had tried to get financing sooner we wouldn’t have had Shawn’s raise yet and would not have gotten as good of a deal on our financing. We also wouldn’t have had enough resources to cover the down payment. And, if we had tried to buy a house last year we would not have qualified for the tax credit. The house we bought does need a little work, but it meets ALL of our needs and it falls within our price range. God had us looking for houses at the right time for that house to become ready for us. Not only did we find a home within the 60-day time frame, but we also have a whole month to get it ready and to get our things packed and moved, and to clean up the old house.
I also see how God works through His family in this story. Both our real estate agent and our mortgage broker are members of our church. They both worked very hard to make sure we could close on the house by the end of January. God used other people in our earthly families (who are also a part of our heavenly family) to help provide some of our financial needs. And now that we are in the process of getting the house ready to move into by the end of this month, several other family members (both heavenly and earthly) are helping us do the necessary work so that we can move in.
Further, I can see how God is faithful to fulfill His promises to us. Throughout this whole process, and long before, we have been faithful to tithe and give as we felt God leading us. Like any good parent, He rewards our obedience. He says over and over again in His Word that if we give, He will make sure our needs are met. He has definitely done that for us. I can also see how each thing in the house that needs to be repaired or improved is just another opportunity for Him to meet us in our need, and it's another opportunity for His glory to be realized in our lives, even though the need may seem small. I find His faithfulness because of us, and in spite of us, astounding. Because of His faithfulness, we are prospering in God's economy in the midst of the poor state of the world's economy.
God truly has done something amazing and unexpected as He has orchestrated the circumstances for us to buy our new home. And I know that as the weeks and months and years go by that He has more and more amazing and unexpected things in store!